"If the structure does not permit dialogue the structure must be changed"
-Paulo Friere
-Paulo Friere
HRMC currently runs a broad spectrum of risk management & leadership development training, as well as a range of support options for organisations operating in complex and often kinetic environments worldwide.
HRMC training events create structured experiences that stimulate learning as participants are required to engage their heads, hands and critically their hearts. Participants are guided through experiential activities and scenarios designed to develop and improve competencies in soft skills to develop thinking, challenging, and active participants.
HRMC offers the opportunity through dangerous camps for individuals and groups to examine and explore risk and danger. Resilience, learning to challenge, working through conflict and adversity, chasing a common-goal, planning, common-sense, physical, emotional and moral courage, success and failure as well as loss are the products of danger.
Humanist Risk Management Consultants effectively supports and guides clients through the merging of wicked problem theory with experiential methods of training and learning. Founded by Frans Barnard and Graham Mathieson, HRMC provides bespoke organisational and individual solutions, grounded in direct experience of complex humanitarian and corporate operations. All of our work is philosophically grounded in a humanist person-centric approach with a fundamental belief that managed risk is absolutely necessary for meaningful growth.
HRMC is simply an expression of our desire to support individuals and organisations successfully navigate contested spaces. Whether a humanitarian organisation operating in Maiduguri, Nigeria, a government ministry in Yellowknife, Northern Canada or an individual balancing work and life, each situation requires the ability to recognise and manage the factors that challenge and contest achieving objectives.
HRMC carries full professional indemnity, liability and medical insurances and is a registered limited company.
HRMC has supported agencies such as INTERSOS, Save the Children, Oxfam, Life & Peace Institute, Solidarites and Marie Stopes. HRMC consultants have worked in countries as varied as Yemen, South Sudan, Somalia, DRC, Kenya, Liberia, Lebanon, Canada and the Ukraine.
Most recently HRMC consultants conducted training and assessment in N E Nigeria to support expansion into disputed territories in Borno state. Beyond this, consultants have also previously worked as senior risk managers for the Danish Refugee Council and Save the Children. They have been a Country Director and senior programme manager. As a result HRMC brings a depth of humanitarian experience that goes well beyond a safety and security understanding. HRMC’s intimate familiarity with all aspects of humanitarian intervention, from securing donor funding through the entire programme delivery and management cycle means that our training is fully integrated rather than being an adjunct to operations.
It is this breadth of humanitarian experience that means HRMC actually understands the criticality of risk management as the means by which access is achieved and secured in the humanitarian environment.
HRMC currently runs a broad spectrum of risk management and leadership development training as well as a range of support options for organisations operating in complex and often kinetic environments worldwide. HRMC has extensive experience training groups where English is not a first language. This reality whether in Afghanistan, Yemen or Somalia has contributed significantly to the development of a training methodology that bridges language, culture and experience to ensure that all participants gain the very most from each interaction.
Capacity Building
Organisations delivering humanitarian and development services, increasingly recognise that corporate sector concepts of due diligence and duty of care are not only applicable but mandatory in every aspect of operations. Regardless of organisational activity, whether finance, logistics, human resources or programming, all are integral components in which due diligence and duty of care responsibilities become an organisational imperative. Risk management therefore becomes a core element by which due diligence and duty of care is demonstrated.
Assessment, troubleshooting
At HRMC we practice what we preach. Our team regularly travels to field offices to provide assessments, advice, crisis management, or trouble shooting.
Risk and danger are necessary for physical, emotional and social growth and as anyone who has read the works of Brothers Grimm and Roahld Dahl knows being scared is fun! Without the ability to take risks, make mistakes and work through the veritable spider’s web of consequences, experience cannot be gathered and deep learning and sense-making cannot take place.
“What’s the best that could happen?????”
Resilience, learning to challenge, working through conflict and adversity, chasing a common-goal, planning, common-sense, physical, emotional and moral courage, firm friendships, success and failure as well as loss are the products of danger. HRMC offers the opportunity through the dangerous camps for individuals and groups to examine and explore risk and danger.
HRMC training events create structured experiences that stimulate learning as participants are required to engage their heads, hands and critically their hearts. Participants are guided through experiential activities and scenarios designed to develop and improve competencies in soft skills
An HRMC training experience focuses on the development of Reflective Practitioners – simply put – people capable of identifying critical information, synthesising it and developing appropriate responses to the situation. This is done through the use of experiential activities. HRMC does not use PowerPoint or lecture notes. The training experience is dynamic, immersive and fully engages participants.
Build essential, technical and interpersonal skills necessary for secure operations in hostile environments. participants will discuss the role of personal and organisational risk management in order to better understand its purpose.... Go>
A central feature of our training process is the ability to challenge “security expert thinking”. While experiential activities change from situation to situation – the core Process of problem solving and decision making remains constant... Go>
Training is only as effective as the ability of participants to transfer their learning experience into the reality of their lived reality. The training culminates with a simulated field mission where participants are required to negotiate a series of scenarios... Go>